Arts Organisation Fund 2025-2026

This is a preview of the Arts Organisation Fund - Online Application Form form. You will be able to start a submission when the round opens at 9:00AM 17 March 2025 (ACDT)


* indicates a required field.

At the City of PAE we believe that arts and culture are shapers of places and creators of community and we have a vision for a strong, creative, impactful and sustainable arts ecology. This Fund aims to provide a mechanism for sustaining, growing and developing creativity, arts and culture in our City by attracting and supporting professional arts organisations to the region.

Please note:

  1. Applicants must complete all sections of this application form and attach relevant documentation to this application to be eligible to be funded.
  2. All grants are subject to availability of funds, eligibility and assessment requirements.
  3. A submission of an online application for the City of Port Adelaide Enfield's grants programs is an acknowledgement that applicants will abide by the conditions of any grant approval.


Who can I talk to?

Place Activation and Events Leader

08 8405 6600


Creative Port Placemaking Officer

08 8405 6981


Applications will be assessed after the round has closed by our Assessment Panel against the criteria outlined in the Arts Organisation Fund Guidelines.

The Assessment Panel will then make funding recommendations to Council. The decision to award funds will be made by Council and it is final. Organisations will be notified of the outcome of their application shortly after Council’s decision.

Please note that successful funding through the Arts Organisation Fund is subject to the successful adoption of the Annual Business Plan and Budget in June each year. Recommendations for access to the Arts Organisation Fund are made, with Council endorsement in June and funds allocated in July each year.

Applicant Eligibility Criteria

Before submitting your application, please check that your organisation meets the eligibility criteria – all boxes must be ticked for your organisation to be eligible for funding.
The applicant organisation: * Required
Response required.Response required.