Quick Response Grants 2023-2024

This is a preview of the Quick Response Grant Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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Small Grant

* indicates a required field.

The Quick Response Grant program aims to support community groups with emerging or unexpected needs and opportunities that will make a positive difference to the PAE community at a local level.

Who can I talk to?

Community Grants Officer

8405 6600


Must be an Australian phone number. Where the number is not a mobile please put "08" at the beginning to help with validation.
This is only required if you have one
Is your organisation or group not for profit? * Required
Is your organisation or group incorporated? * Required
The application must demonstrate the community wellbeing benefit and/or impact. This relates to 30% of the weighted criteria.
Describe why the funding is required for an unexpected or unforeseen need or opportunity. This relates to 50% of the weighted criteria.
This question relates to 20% of the weighted criteria
You can select items from any column – all have equal value. Only select sub-categories if you want to be more specific.
Select a category or child-category.

Please choose only the group/s that are at the very core of this project/program. If your initiative is open to everyone, choose the first item, 'Universal – no particularly targeted beneficiaries'
This can be no more than $500
Do you need additional money to Council's grant? * Required
Response required.
What are you spending the grant money on?$Please upload any quotes you have
 * Required
 * Required
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Must be a dollar amount. 

      Must be at least 2 rows

      Other grants (Not Applicable)

      This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you need additional money to Council's grant?" on page 1

      Has it been approved? * Required
      Attach a file: Select stored file
        If you have not been approved. Please upload your application form that you submitted to the other funder. Please ensure to give the document a name so we know what it is.

        Australian Taxation Office Requirements

        Does the Applicant have an Australian Business Number? * Required
        If you answer no to this question you must complete and attach a copy of a Statement by a Supplier form

        This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Does the Applicant have an Australian Business Number?" on page 1

        The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.
        Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
        Information from the Australian Business Register
        Entity name
        ABN status
        Entity type
        Goods & Services Tax (GST)
        DGR Endorsed
        ATO Charity TypeMore information
        ACNC Registration
        Tax Concessions
        Main business location
        Must be an ABN. 

        Statement by a Supplier form (Not Applicable)

        This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Does the Applicant have an Australian Business Number?" on page 1

        Attach a file: Select stored file
          Please ensure to give the document a name so we know what it is.

          Unincorporated groups (Not Applicable)

          This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Is your organisation or group incorporated?" on page 1

          An unincorporated group is not recognised as a separate legal entity and is considered to be just a group of individuals acting on a common interest. This means that members of the group, and in particular the committee members, are personally liable for the group, including the group’s debts, contracts and insurance claims. The individual members may still remain liable for the group’s actions after a member resigns if their name still appears on any contract, lease or bank records.

          Please confirm that you understand the risks associated with being an unincorporated group and still wish to submit without an auspicing body * Required
          Response required.

          Bank details

          Council's payment method is only by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).  Council will not provide cheques.  Grant funds will be automatically deposited into the following nominated account and must be in the name of the person completing the Terms and Conditions section of this application form.

          does anyone else need to know that money has been deposited into this account? please provide their email address so we can let them know.